Jack Lalanne Dead: He Dies With Honor And As A Legendary Fitness Icon

The Power Juicer, Life of exercise, Good Health, and Discipline, these are just few of the hundred things that you can remember out of a great fitness sports cultural icon Jack Lalanne. He is a good health advocate. He uses proper diet, mostly fruits and vegetable diet plus lots of exercise as a way of longetivity and body fitness. He is considered as the father of modern fitness. The sad reality is the man behind the pulling of several boats while swimming is now dead. He died yesterday because of old age.
He has surpassed the average life expectancy of a male american which is at 79 years old. He died at the age of 96. That age is God's gift to him because of his discipline and dedication to a life filled with exercise and proper diet. He has no vices. He made sure that he spent atleast 2 hours a day for exercise. He removes his body toxins thru exercise.
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