Matt Bonner Encourages Everyone To Be FIT The "NBA Fit" Way!

By Val Marvin Macanas
Manila, Philippines -- Being Fit is one of the toughest missions in life. And, what is alarming nowadays is that the sign of being un-fit can be seen even in the youngest members of the society.
Obese kids are everywhere and obviously, it is not a good sign. If we let them stay that way - living an unhealthy and an inactive life, problems are bound to happen. Good thing NBA Fit via San Antonio Spurs' sharp shooter Matt Bonner showed us how to the be Fit, the "NBA Fit" Way.
Yesterday during the NBA Fit Event held at the SM Southmall, Matt Bonner alongside Coach "Seph" shared a number of tips that tend to help kids be Fit by being active and by living a healthy life-style .
"Being fit is being active, moving everyday and sweating a bit out. And also eating lots of veggies and healthy foods," said the partner of Matt Bonner, Coach Seph.
Coach Seph and Matt Bonner also shared 3 important basketball related drills that can help a person become Fit - The Burn, the Ocean, and the Quake (BOQ).
Matt Bonner highlighted the purpose of the drills.
"The purpose of these drills is to encourage everybody to be in shape, to be better basketball players and to be healthy," said the long range bomber Matt Bonner.
How to do the Drills?
1. Here's how to do the The Burn Drill: Bend your knees and move your feet rapidly up and down for 30 seconds. You'll feel your thigh muscles burning and it's a sign that you're doing the drill correctly.

2. The Ocean Drill : Lie face down and move as if you're swimming. Do this for 30 seconds.

3. The Quake Drill: Bend your knees and shake your upper body right to left or vice-versa. Do this for 30 seconds.

I tried doing the drills and I sweat a lot. Try 'em too.
There were also side events that happened yesterday. One of which is the slalom challenge wherein the top finishers will have a chance to stand side-by-side with Matt Bonner and have a little chit-chat with him.
Jhay Evangelista is one of the top finishers. And of course, BallersPinas asked the baller some questions regarding his dazzling performance on the court. He just said that he's happy that he performed well and that he is excited to meet Matt Bonner. I asked him what's his secret. He just said that he plays varsity ball at St. Theresa De Avila School and that he's used to this kind of Slalom Challenge and that he hopes to improve on his playing style by practicing the dribbling drills and the tips that Matt Bonner shared.
Ballers like Jhay is a proof of the good impact of the NBA Fit event as it inspires and motivates kids to be better not only in playing basketball but also in living a well balanced life. Thus, I really hope that this will be an annual event because it helps a lot of kids who want to live a more fulfilling life by being Fit and by being Healthy.
As a bonus, Matt Bonner shared some tips regarding proper basketball shooting form.
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