Raymond Felton of NY Knicks Arrested on Gun Charges After The Dallas Mavericks Game

By BallersPinas
Raymond Felton of the struggling New York Knicks got arrested by the police right after the Knicks' tough loss against the Dallas Maverick on the grounds of gun charges.
The Knicks point-guard allegedly carried a gun that he pointed to his wife, Ariane Felton, after the two got into a heated conflict that created a huge uproar throughout the media.
After Felton's arrest, he was charged with 2nd and 3rd degree criminal possession of a firearm, which are considered as felonies (punishable by law).
The prosecutors imposed a &25,000 bail on Felton to go along with the order of protection against his wife. Felton obliged just so he can play for the Knicks in their upcoming games including a big showdown against the Heat sometime this week.
According to a report by ESPN.com, the 29-year-old Felton is expected to appear in a Manhattan court on Tuesday after turning himself in for questioning at the 20th precinct on the Upper West Side of the borough.
Just to give you a brief background, Felton's relationship with his wife has been very disastrous so much so that Mrs. Ariane Felton was prompted to file for divorce after just 19 months of marriage.
The gun-pointing allegation was the climax of their disastrous relationship.
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