Jeron Teng's Ex-Girlfriend Comments on Jane Oineza: Is This True?
A showbiz website posted the comment of Jeron Teng's ex-girlfriend Miss Joanna Robles on Teen Actress Jane Oineza - the present apple of the eye of the De La Salle University King Archer.
Allegedly, an asker on Ask fm asked Miss Joanna if she's for Jane and Jeron. Miss Joanna replied "to me, she's a kid."

The said showbiz website rarely miss on the facts, but Jeron believes that it's not true. Despite not feeling well due to mild dengue, the younger brother of Jeric Teng immediately clarified the news.
"This isnt her, she doesnt have askfm. Kindly ignore this," Jeron tweeted.

To those who don't know, Joanna Robles is Jeron Teng's first girlfriend. Sadly, their relationship didn't last long.
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