Mapua Cardinals and EAC Generals Brawl Video in NCAA Season 90 2nd Round Game

I was waiting for the final score to flash on the screen until all of a sudden, with less than a minute remaining in the game between the Emilio Aguinaldo College (EAC) Generals and the Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT) Cardinals, an unforeseen incident happened that will surely find its own place in the Annals of NCAA Basketball.
A free-for-all brawl broke out in the last 28.5 seconds of the said game. All hell broke lose inside the Fil-Oil Flying V Arena in San Juan. It was as if the viewers were transported back in the late 80's when basketball brawls were rampant.
It's been quite some time since I last saw a free-for-all high-action fist fight like this on the basketball court with just a few ticks left on the game clock and with a seemingly clear cut winner, EAC.
What started the fire was John Tayongtong's "shoulder bump" on CJ Isit. It proved to be unnecessary because his team was already on its way to victory.
Subsequently, all players were ejected except EAC's Joshua General and Mapua's Jessie Saitanan. The game ended in favor of the Generals, 86-77.
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