Ella de Jesus and Den Den Lazaro Greeted Their Fans outside MOA Arena after Ateneo-DLSU Game: Watch The Video Here

YouTube Scoop: Very rare do you see famous athletes break fan protocols especially when there are bouncers/guards around the area. That's why it is always remarkable and special when famous volleyball players go out of their way just to personally greet their avid fans and supporters because not only it is a sign of humility, it also heightens their unique bond with their fans.
Take a look at how happy the fans were when Ateneo Lady Eagles vital players Ella de Jesus and Denden Lazaro greeted them outside the MOA Arena after the Ateneo-La Salle game. Just to clear things up, the thing that was thrown at Denden at the 4:59 part of the video was a gift and not a plastic bottle.
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