Delicious Diet High-Protein 1 Week Diet Meal Plan Review and Other Details
I'm a big fan of organic foods that are high in protein for muscle growth and recovery. That's why I didn't hesitate in trying Delicious Diet PH's 1800cal High Protein Plan. I will share to you in a bit my experience after my one-week Delicious Diet subscription.
Here it is:
Last Sunday (Feb 7, 2016) I played basketball with my friends for 3 hours straight. Monday I started my Delicious diet meal plan and the following day, I noticed a significant increase in my productivity probably due to the high-protein content of the food and the well-balanced nutrition that I got from it. My energy level and muscle recovery rate seemed to be higher than usual. I'm really overwhelmed by how the diet helped me overcome muscle pains and sluggishness faster.
So here's how my first day of diet looks like. All delicious with a serious punch of nutrients and figure-friendly components. They are naturally tasty and juicy.

Day 2: I saw that my upper body looks more compact. My biceps and triceps are more toned and they look stronger. Thanks to these meals. They really suck the unnecessary fats out of my system.

Day 3: I have already adjusted to the taste of the low calorie high protein diet. Once familiar with the taste, you'll realize that after all it's naturally delicious, indeed! Remember, once you go natural, you won't go back!

Day 4: Oh pasta! I will just leave this pic here for my day 5 meals.

Day 5 I really love this meal. For my breakfast I had Taco melt sandwich with chicken meat bits. It was a high-protein meal packed with nutrients that energized me towards a demanding day. The other 3 meals were also tasty. Day 5 was fantastic!
For the complete example of the 3-meal plan for 5 days upon subscription, check this out:

Oh by the way, here's my weight prior to the 1-month high-protein diet program so that I can go back at it for reference after trying the diet program:
Now I am happy to announce that after eating those healthy and delicious meals for five straight days, aside from having toned muscles and higher muscle mass, I am also lighter than ever. I lost some weight. From being 159.2 Lbs., I'm now at 157.8 Lbs.
This is my current look, I feel thinner and quicker than ever. Thanks to DeliciousdietPH:

1. web address:
2.Instagram: @Deliciousdietph
3. Phone number: 09088797915
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